Autism Awareness PSA

April is Autism Awareness Month. Watch the videos to learn more about autism and available resources.

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    What is Autism Spectrum Disorder

    ASD (autism spectrum disorder) is a developmental impairment caused by brain differences. ASD patients may have a recognized difference, such as a genetic disease. Other causes are unknown. Scientists believe that many factors of ASD interact to alter the most frequent ways people develop. We still have much to learn about these reasons and how they affect persons with autism spectrum disorder.

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    Disparities in Outcomes

    Huge strides have been achieved in the diagnosis and awareness of autism in recent years. But these developments have also brought to light disparate outcomes.

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    Signs and Symptoms

    Individuals diagnosed with ASD frequently experience challenges with social communication and interaction, as well as limited or repetitive behaviors and interests.

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    Diagnosing ASD can be challenging as there is no medical examination, such as a blood test, to diagnose the disorder. Doctors consider the child's behavior and developmental progress to determine a diagnosis.

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    Current ASD treatments aim to lessen symptoms that affect everyday life and quality of life.

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    You can acquire knowledge about autism and assist in reaching developmental milestones by consulting any resources that provide information specifically for families.