Stop Human Trafficking Awareness Workshop

April 8, 2023 • 12 pm

Eatontown library • 33 Broad Street • Eatontown, New Jersey 07724

This free public workshop will discuss keeping yourself and your loved ones safe, featuring guest speakers Sue Flynn and Stacy Kallman, New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking advocates.

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves using force, fraud, or coercion to exploit a person for labor or commercial sex. Any minor, anyone under 18, who is induced to perform a commercial sex act is a victim of human trafficking according to U.S. law, regardless of whether there is force, fraud, or coercion.

Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked in countries worldwide – including the United States. Many of these victims are lured with false promises of financial or emotional security; they are forced or coerced into commercial sex (prostitution), domestic servitude, or other types of forced labor.

Crime organizations such as gangs are increasingly luring children from local schools into commercial sexual exploitation or trafficking.

Speaker Bios

Sue Flynn
  • Sue Flynn has been an advocate working on the issue of Human Trafficking since 2009 through her involvement with the Junior Leagues of the New Jersey State Public Affairs Committee (SPAC). During her time at SPAC, they worked with other organizations to form the New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking. Since the Coalition was formed, Sue has served as a trained Public Speaker, Co-Chair of the Legislative Committee, Co-Chair of the SOAP Outreach Committee, and a member of the Operating Council. Sue feels passionate that education and awareness of Human Trafficking is one of the keys to the solution.

Stacy Kallman
  • Stacy Kallman, RN, BSN, FNE, SANE-A, RT (R) is a registered nurse RN, BSN, FNE. She is proud to be a forensic nurse examiner, also known as a certified sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE nurse), who specializes in sexual assault and domestic violence cases for Monmouth County. She is also a substitute school nurse for a large district in North Jersey. She is a certified CPR instructor and has been a healthcare professional for many years. She was a radiographic technologist before earning her RN and maintains that certification current and up to date.